I still haven’t made up my mind for President.
Why not?
Well, I probably shouldn’t tell you this but I have really low standards.
How low?
Really low.
Have you considered Donald Trump?
Why Trump?
For one, he’s a bully, interrupting others when he doesn’t like their questions, advocating violence at some of his events, including punching protesters in the face, longing for the days when they could be taken out on stretchers, etc. And, as sort of a bonus, he’s a coward as well, having had multiple deferments during the Vietnam War for heel spurs, all of which in his old age he seems to have miraculously recovered from. And – again sort of the bully/coward bonus – he now plays the bad ass, threatening “way worse than water boarding” and unleashing his own brand of tough guy brutality against our enemies, as if the war on terror these last fifteen years hasn’t existed. So what do you say? Does Trump sound like the man for you?
Sort of, but like I said, my standards are really, REALLY low.
How about this? He’s spoiled. Born into wealth and having inherited vast sums of money from his father, the good fortune of which allowed him to become a real estate tycoon. He has never had to serve or sacrifice for his country in any way yet has the audacity to say that having attended a military academy as a child makes him the equivalent of a soldier. To this day he resides and travels in luxury and has never faced the daily financial struggles of which a great many Americans are roundly familiar. Hardship as both concept and reality is utterly foreign to him yet he pawns himself off as being in touch with the average Joe.
That’s pathetic.
But let’s get down to brass tacks here. Is he a liar?
Is he a liar?! Is the Pope Catholic? (I can say that; I’m a former altar boy.) He’s a veritable fountain of lies! He’s a serial liar whose relationship with the truth goes well beyond the word “estranged.”
But all politicians lie to some extent, right? I mean nature of the beast and all.
Of course they do. Hell, even I chuckled when Hillary said that she had been under sniper fire once. Comes with the territory. But Trump? He’s in a league all his own. He’s on a PLANET all his own. Check out these gems! “No one reads the bible more than me.” (But don’t ask him what his favorite biblical passage is though because he does not want to get into specifics.) “No one respects women more than me.” “I am the least racist person that you’ve ever seen.” He even lies when he’s been CAUGHT in a lie, like when he denied being his own publicist back in the eighties when we have him on audio tape promoting himself while posing as another individual.
Now THAT’S what I call lying!
I know! But there’s more. How about this? The man who spent 18 months with him thirty years ago in order to co-write – read “wrote” – “The Art of The Deal” before Trump got wise and began protecting himself within a cocoon of nondisclosure agreements says he fits the classic definition of a sociopath. How’s THAT for low, my friend? A SOCIOPATH! I mean, Trump is most widely known for a reality TV show where he told people “You’re fired!” How cold does a person have to be to take delight in that and offer it up as entertainment? That same writer – deeming it his patriotic duty to warn America of the perils of a Trump presidency – has also said that, as far as he knew, Trump has never read a book in his adult life, unless of course the book was about him. So as far as Trump having a well-rounded, educated world viewpoint goes, his basically ends at the New York skyline.
OK. We’re getting there. We’re getting there. Got anything else?
Have I got anything else!? I’m just getting warmed up! How about the fact that Trump is a proven sexist, having made countless demeaning remarks about women, tweeting these childish, vile comments for all the world to see. Stuff like “blood coming out of her wherever” regarding FOX News “bimbo” Megyn Kelly, labeling women “dogs”, “slobs” and “pigs”, and calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.” How about trading in two of his wives for younger models, the most recent – shock of shocks - being a model? And the creepily inappropriate comments he has made about his daughter Ivanka. Are we getting there?
Sort of, but listen, I’m not sure we’re really communicating, you and I. You see, I have really, REALLY low standards.
How about Trump’s peerless egomania? And I’m not just talking putting his name on his properties. You don’t have to be Freud to discern that this sheds mega-light on just how insecure this man is deep inside. Just listen to these quotes. “I have the best words.” “Nobody knows the tax code better than I do. I’m the king of the tax code.” “I will be so good at the military, your head will spin.” “I consult myself on foreign policy.” “I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me.”
Wow! He said all those?
Word-for-word. But wait, there’s more! He says “I and I alone can fix it” when it comes to the problems of the day. Now does that sound like presidential material or the delusions of a dictator?
Well, now we’re getting somewhere. What else you got?
Could I interest you in some good old-fashioned racism?
Bet your ass you could! Because I’m the type of person who thinks every president should be a racist! Especially in this multicultural global village in which we live. Have at it, buddy!
How about the slogan “Make America Great Again” on his Made in China caps, coded throwback to a time when – and let’s be frank here – things were only great for white males?
I hear ya. I hear ya. But that feels a little thin to me. I think you’re stretching.
OK. Does referring to the vast, VAST majority of Mexican illegal immigrants as “rapists and drug dealers” fit the bill?
He said that?!
Yes, he did, amigo.
What a dick!
You got that right. And at one rally he pointed to a black man and said “Look at my African-American over here!” Like the man was his property. And it’s well documented that Trump apartments discriminated against blacks in the past.
I get it. He’s shrewd enough not to say “The N Word” but nevertheless sends out verbal cues to racist whites that he’s “one of them.”
Exactly! And how about this for a true warning sign of someone who would be a truly bottom-feeder president? Every presidential candidate in the modern era has released his tax statement but Trump refuses, contradicting his earlier promise to do so. Wonder why?
Hell no! I can imagine a whole host of reasons why. This guy is beginning to show some promise. Got anything else?
What are you, nuts? Of course I do! Now this I know you’re going to love. He is – and this is beyond dispute – as thin-skinned an individual as you’re likely ever to meet. He publically insults, demeans, lies about and criticizes people who voice concerns about him occupying the Oval Office. And ask yourself this: Do you want a thin-skinned hothead having access to the world’s largest military in the nuclear age? I’ll say it again: in the nuclear age!
You’re damn right I do! Because I couldn’t care less about the state of the world!
So do we have a deal here or not? I mean, what do I have to do to get you to vote for Donald Trump?
Well, there’s just one thing.
What’s that ?
I’m still not certain you comprehend just HOW LOW my standards are. I mean, mine are sick, dementedly low standards!
OK, I see what you’re saying. I’m sensing a little more coaxing is needed.
I’d say a LOT more.
How about this? At one rally, he made fun of someone with a physical disability, ridiculing them in front of a crowd. Is that low enough for you?
Now THAT’S what I call low. And I DO have low standards!
Try this on for size. He does not consider Sen. John McCain – a man who had been repeatedly tortured by his captors during the Vietnam War – to be a war hero simply because McCain WAS CAPTURED!!
And this Trump fella skipped out on the Vietnam War you said?
Yes! Can you believe it? And of course now he plays the bad ass.
That takes some nerve! I mean, that’s being a total, unfeeling, compassionless dickhead!
Yes! You’re finally getting it! So will you vote for Trump or not?
Well, I’m getting there. I’m getting there. What else you got?
How about this? Trump brags of his businessman’s savvy yet has filed for bankruptcies numerous times, each time cashing out while leaving others financially high and dry, often breaking contractual deals he had with them, sometimes even AFTER services were rendered and letting his lawyers clean up the mess. Remember his autobiography writer who called him a sociopath? Seeing a pattern here?
Wow! I’m starting to think this guy would be the worst president EVER! And the President of the United States is essentially leader of the free world. This sounds like my kind of guy!
Yes!! You’re finally getting it! I’m sure he meets your low standards! Now, do we have a deal or don’t we?
OK. I’ll make YOU a deal. If you can name just ONE MORE negative quality about him, I’ll vote for the man.
My friend, I have it. Donald Trump is clueless about government in general, going so far as to say he would terminate (“You’re fired!”) government officials, oblivious not only to the fact that government is NOT a business but that the president’s only power resides in the Executive branch, having no power whatsoever over the other two branches of government: Congress and the Judiciary. This system of checks and balances was put in place by our founding fathers for the very purpose of ensuring that no one of the three branches exercises undue leverage over the other two. That is to say, Trump can’t touch Congress or the Judiciary! And this powerlessness – for lack of a better word - has often been the bane of every president who has sat in the Oval Office, i.e. the vexing reality that, like them or loathe them, he has to work with them! Trump hasn’t the foggiest notion of this. Making matters worse, his penchant for publically insulting and humiliating those with whom he would need to cooperate in order to get ANYTHING done renders it near impossible for a Trump administration to accomplish anything positive whatsoever, virtually ensuring that the only thing destined to crawl from the swamp of a Trump presidency would be an enduring legacy of bitterness, cynicism and, a dreaded, three-headed beast that could well destroy the sociopolitical fabric of a country many once considered to be the greatest on the face of the earth!
Good Christ! Point me to the nearest polling place. This Trump fella has got my vote!
William P. Bekkala
Twitter: @BillBekkala
Friday, July 29, 2016
The Diss Ability
I would never vote for a person who spent a large portion of her life fighting for the rights of people with disabilities. I’m going to vote for a person who mocked a person with a disability in front of a crowd. That is character, my friends. And that’s why I’m voting for Little Donnie.
Twitter: @BillBekkala
Twitter: @BillBekkala
Thursday, July 28, 2016
God, I Love Irony
Little Donnie called Obama “the most ignorant president in our history” despite his having graduated first in his class at Harvard Law, but doesn’t know the difference between the word “jibe” – which Obama recently used – and “jive.”
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Michelle Obama's Speech
Who was not moved when, during the First Lady’s speech Monday night, she referenced the fact that the White House was built by slaves and now she can see her two daughters playing out on the lawn with their dogs? Tears came to my eyes as I realized that we the taxpayers will have to pay for that dog-clawed lawn repair.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Sarah Silverman Knocks It Out of The Park at DNC
Funny, playful, smart, clever, principled and, yes, sexy. All that I am but not more!
Monday, July 25, 2016
Guess This Makes Me High Maintenance
If I was there when Jesus made loaves and fishes I would have asked for tartar sauce and a wedge of lemon. (On the side.)
Friday, July 22, 2016
Bloody Telling
It’s so fun to watch DNA expert Barry Scheck hem, haw, interrupt himself repeatedly and fumble along in trying to explain himself when asked point blank if police planted blood evidence to frame O.J. Simpson in the new documentary “O.J.: Made in America.”
Thursday, July 21, 2016
(NRA) Not Really Applicable
NEWS ITEM: “In the chaos following the Dallas sniper attack, which killed five police officers, the presence of numerous armed individuals running through the streets made it difficult for officers to distinguish between suspects and marchers, feeding the misconception that there were multiple assailants at large.”
EDITORIAL: So much for the NRA’s theory that the only person who can stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun.
EDITORIAL: So much for the NRA’s theory that the only person who can stop a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun.
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
Keeping Things in Perspective
Though I doubt she was the culprit, Melania Trump’s pilfered convention speech still does not (ahem) “trump” current VP Joe Biden doing the same thing when he ran for President in 1988, plagiarizing portions of a speech by British Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock.
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Finally getting around to watching “Trainwreck" this week
Or I call it: The Republican National Convention.
Monday, July 18, 2016
Nice Truck!
In the wake of the tragedy in Nice, France, some sarcastically suggest that trucks should be banned. (Heh-heh.)
This false analogy is flushed out twofold. One, trucks are needed. Assault rifles are not. Two, trucks are intended to haul goods. Assault rifles are intended to kill as many people as possible in as little time as possible.
Toot-toot! School bus is leaving.
This false analogy is flushed out twofold. One, trucks are needed. Assault rifles are not. Two, trucks are intended to haul goods. Assault rifles are intended to kill as many people as possible in as little time as possible.
Toot-toot! School bus is leaving.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Not Nice
While French authorities have yet to identify a possible motive for the Nice attack, I’m going with “something aligned with deeply held religious beliefs.” Any takers?
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Mentally Unbalanced Ticket
NEWS ITEM: One of the top contenders to serve as vice president in a potential Donald Trump White House believes that radical Islamists are capable of conquering the continental United States. “I’m totally convinced that, without a proper sense of urgency, we will be eventually defeated, dominated, and very likely destroyed” by Islamic militants, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn writes in his new book, The Field of Fight, which was released Tuesday. “There’s no doubt,” he adds, “that they are dead set on taking us over and drinking our blood.”
EDITORIAL: Two, two, two nuts in one.
EDITORIAL: Two, two, two nuts in one.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
Bully For Him
Those who torture and kill bulls for kicks need a good old fashioned goring. I only hope the horns plunged into the thigh and chest of the late Victor Barrio hurt as much or more as the spears that were sadistically shoved into the noble beast prior to the “fight” in order to weaken him. But be of good cheer! Young Victor very likely departed the ring - as well as this world - possessing a higher degree of empathy than he did upon entering it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The Kardashian Effect
I have a novel theory as to why there are more mass shootings. I call it The Kardashian Effect, i.e. the “elevation” of individuals lacking the talent or accomplishment that IN THE PAST would have “legitimately” vaulted one above the masses. The unbalanced, however – ALWAYS blaming others for their lot – look around, see folks like Kim K reaping the monetary and celebrity benefits that have come her way as a result of her, her… well, who the hell knows. This realization that life has not smiled down onto a no talent like Mr. Unbalanced as it so CLEARLY has – and with such brazen grandeur - to a no talent like Kim K (and others like her) only adds fuel to his already raging fire and it’s off to the soon-to-be-famous-site-of-a-mass-shooting! (Just a theory re a PARTIAL motive.)
Monday, July 11, 2016
The Boomerang Effect
President Obama’s favorability rating is hovering around 57% these days, ascending when – to be perfectly honest – I can’t think of anything substantial he has done of late that would warrant this rise. What’s different? The childishly vulgar bully antics of Little Donnie, all of which make Obama look like Socrates by comparison.
Where am I headed with this? The historic precedent of the sitting president’s favorability rating always comes into play and, if high, works in favor of the candidate of his party. If low, to that person’s detriment.
Hillary Clinton is in the same party.
And now where am I headed? Her opponent will have only himself to blame when he loses. (And he will lose big.) So if you need someone to blame, Little Donnie, look for a mirror. I’m sure it will not be the first time.
Where am I headed with this? The historic precedent of the sitting president’s favorability rating always comes into play and, if high, works in favor of the candidate of his party. If low, to that person’s detriment.
Hillary Clinton is in the same party.
And now where am I headed? Her opponent will have only himself to blame when he loses. (And he will lose big.) So if you need someone to blame, Little Donnie, look for a mirror. I’m sure it will not be the first time.
Friday, July 8, 2016
In Praise of Michael Cimino
Director Michael Cimino died Saturday. While he is remembered for both his studio-busting western epic Heaven’s Gate (1980) as he is for the 1978 Oscar winning “The Deer Hunter,” I shall cite the latter. Having seen “The Deer Hunter” 16 times I believe, it is my all-time favorite film, one that tells the 1968 (?) tale of three steel workers who go off – with all due bravado - to Vietnam, only to return in varying states of wreckage. The fallout reaches those who remained in their hometown as well, the fictional Clairton, PA. If you’ve never seen it – and I won’t plot spoil – it contains a nearly unbearable to watch mid-section highlighted by – in my opinion – the single greatest sustained portrayal of sheer terror ever committed to film. Aside from the film working on nearly every level, if there is a single abiding characteristic by which it can be praised it is its ending, one that reinforces the ever-justifiable notion that no matter how scarred these people are by war, they still love their country. Again, not to plot spoil, but I heard the director of photography, Vilmos Zsigmond, say that, while shooting the film’s ending almost four decades ago, he asked Cimino: “Are you going to get away with this?” Cimino responded: “Not only will I get away with it, but people will remember this ending for the rest of their life.” I know I do.
Rest in peace, Michael Cimino.
Rest in peace, Michael Cimino.
Little Donnie singing The Turtles’ 1967 hit “Happy Together.”
“I can’t see me loving nobody but me for all my life.”
Thursday, July 7, 2016
My Two Favorite George Will Quotes
“John Kennedy said: ‘Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.’ One answer we know to that -- fifty years on -- is that one thing you can do for your country is: reserve a spacious portion of your life for which your country is not responsible. Look out for yourself. Save more. Provide for your own retirement. Look out for your health."
(June 2008 interview with Charlie Rose)
“This is not my party.”
(June 2016 on why he is departing the Republican party, that is to say the ascension of Little Donnie)
(June 2008 interview with Charlie Rose)
“This is not my party.”
(June 2016 on why he is departing the Republican party, that is to say the ascension of Little Donnie)
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Meatless Fridays
Was talking to my office pal Krishna and he said I should go to Nude Deli. I’m like, “Dude, the last thing I want to see is some fat guy sucking down a pastrami.” God, he’s stupid.
Friday, July 1, 2016
Donnie Dumb Lately, The New Kid in Town
(First some background) Republican U.S. Senator John McCain served his country admirably during the Vietnam war, had both arms and a leg broken upon ejecting from his aircraft, nearly drowned upon landing, had his shoulder crushed by his captors, was refused medical treatment, was held as a prisoner of war in solitary confinement for two years, lost fifty pounds, was subjected to rope bindings and repeated beatings every two hours, while at the same time was suffering from dysentery, and to this day is unable to lift his arms properly. At one point, he turned down an offer of freedom and would only accept repatriation if every man taken in before him was released as well. Declining met with more torture.
This is the man Little Donnie mocked as NOT being a war hero for having been “captured” and it BLOWS MY MIND that any self-respecting patriot would even remotely consider such a person – who feels his military school education as a CHILD renders him a legitimate soldier’s equal – as commander-in-chief. If the aforementioned does not make you think this, yes, repeated draft dodger is not worthy of the Oval Office, what would?
This is the man Little Donnie mocked as NOT being a war hero for having been “captured” and it BLOWS MY MIND that any self-respecting patriot would even remotely consider such a person – who feels his military school education as a CHILD renders him a legitimate soldier’s equal – as commander-in-chief. If the aforementioned does not make you think this, yes, repeated draft dodger is not worthy of the Oval Office, what would?
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