Eighty-five year old white male Senator, Chuck Grassley, is losing women voters for the Republican party – in real time - by the thousands with each word he speaks.
Having a woman conducting the questioning of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at the Kavanaugh hearing is why I say “GOP” stands for “gathering of pu**ies.”
What you NEVER hear from the Cosbys, Kavanaughs, Weinsteins, O’Reillys, etc. is: “Not only do I deny these charges BUT ANYONE WHO WOULD ENGAGE IN SUCH BEHAVIOR IS A DESPICABLE WRETCH OF A HUMAN BEING UNWORTHY OF ANY POSITION OF AUTHORITY.”
A fundamental difference between the parties is this: if Kavanaugh were a Democrat, most Democrats – myself included - would still believe his accusers, this hypothetical setting aside of course the historic precedent that most all of these scoundrels tend to be Republicans.
Heard Sean Hannity last night say that Trump is all about transparency. Two words, Sean: “Tax returns.” (The floor is yours.)
Thursday, September 27, 2018
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
I have no punch line, for it would be superfluous
At the U.N. yesterday, POUTus, laughed at by several in the crowd when he bragged that his administration was one of the most accomplished in U.S. history, quickly stated that it “wasn’t the reaction I was expecting.” Later, however, he tweeted that he “meant to get some laughter.” Unfortunately, that would mean admitting that he knew he could get laughs simply by bragging of his accomplishments.
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
"Here's to the end of a beautiful friendship."
NEWS ITEM: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s freshman roommate at Yale University came forward late Monday, describing Kavanaugh as “a heavy drinker” who became “aggressive and belligerent” when drunk.
EDITORIAL: I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
EDITORIAL: I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
Monday, September 24, 2018
Orange is The New Blockhead
Donald Trump once sued Bill Maher for $5 million for claiming that he believed Trump was the spawn of an orange hair orangutan. This is our president, folks.
Friday, September 21, 2018
I gotta be honest....
… if I’d known in 2016 that POUTus essentially bragged on 9/11 about his now having the tallest building in Manhattan after the World Trade Center fell, I‘m positive I would have voted for him, basing my decision on the moral certainty that “This, this is a man of character worthy of representing our nation in the Oval Office.”
Thursday, September 20, 2018
I’m starting a Lou Reed cover band:
“The Velveeta Underground.” Sure, our sound’s a little cheesy but still.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Thirty Five Year Old Plot Spoil:
In “The Dead Zone” a presidential candidate uses a baby as a shield to avoid gunfire, thus ending his political career. Think how heartless that is. Endangering a helpless child just to serve your end. Kind of like trying to curb immigration by separating toddlers from their parents. Factoring in the psychological damage done to such innocents and multiplying by hundreds, I like to think of these little ones – who in years to come will likely harbor tremendous bitterness toward the country that so damaged them - as “future terrorists.”
Monday, September 17, 2018
Post titleThese Two Things I Know:
One: I will die someday. Two: Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh will never agree to a lie detector test, this despite his denial of attempted rape and knowing full well that – were he innocent – his accuser would clearly be attempting to destroy him. And yet he rejects the very tool that could expose her most brazen lie.
Oh, well. I guess you did it, Brett.
Oh, well. I guess you did it, Brett.
Friday, September 14, 2018
As Best I Can Tell...
… POUTus mainly does only three things, all of which relate to pouting. One, he watches FOX News to obtain his pout material. Two, tweets out his pouting. Three, attends rallies where – essentially – all he does is pout.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Carolina On His Mind
Unlike with Puerto Rico, when POUTus said to its Governor that he should “get in touch with the leader of his own country if he wanted help.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the Trump Administration.
Ladies and gentlemen, the Trump Administration.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Gwyneth Paltrow Wins Best Actress: 1999 Oscars
Watched this (unattached) clip for the first time in 20 years and, while Ms. Paltrow gave a fine performance, it always irked me that she thanked – by my count – 23 people by name in her acceptance speech, including two corpses, but failed to thank the very screenwriters (Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard) who earlier won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for a film entitled – oh, irony of ironies – “Shakespeare in Love.”
PS: But be of good cheer. She did thank Harvey Weinstein.
PS: But be of good cheer. She did thank Harvey Weinstein.
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Dumb Founded
If I voted for POUTus I would never, ever admit to it. Imagine the battered self-esteem metastasizing within those who now know – beyond any doubt – that they were never savvy to the rebel ways of a self-proclaimed swamp drainer whose dubious business “acumen” would foil the feckless ways of Washington, but were instead the easily-conned marks of a lunatic one man shit show whose only significant legislative “accomplishment” will likely be a massive tax cut for himself and others like him, leaving those he duped holding the bag under frayed, Made in China MAGA caps.
Monday, September 10, 2018
OK, maybe I'm NOT so good with money.
I once hired a skywriter to imprint across the sky the entire text of John Steinbeck’s classic novel, “The Grapes of Wrath.” In retrospect, not the wisest idea, especially considering the fact that the pilot died prior to getting to that great Tom Joad – Henry Fonda in the film - speech at the end. Bummer.
Friday, September 7, 2018
"Birth Control"
Or as SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh calls it: “Abortion-inducing drugs.” Are we clear now, everybody? Have everything we need to know? Ladies? Thoughts?
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Blinded by Delight
I have a theory that there exist no bad pictures of actress Blake Lively or Beyonce. Since no one has ever disproven my theory, it therefore continues its inexorable march toward universal law.
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
The Court of Private Opinion
Dear Brett Kavanaugh: I am sooooooooo relieved to hear of your respect for precedent – not “president” mind you – and am now well assuming you will not turn out to be a ball-bearing weasel whose sole – not “soul” mind you - reason for living is to overturn Roe v. Wade.
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