Friday, November 9, 2012

I Can't Believe I'm Defending Karl Rove

I was watching Fox Tuesday night when Karl Rove disputed their war room’s calling of Ohio for Obama, putting the President over the 270 electoral top. I have to say, I’m stunned by the reaction there has been to Rove, who politely, soberly and rationally stated that he thought this call was simply being made a tad early on the most pivotal state in the election. That’s all he was saying! Moreover, his reasons were sound. When co-anchor Megyn Kelly – who did a terrific job by the way - ventured back to the in house experts and had them explain their rationale, this pretty much assuaged Rove. End of story, right?

Wrong! Now I’m reading headlines about his “melt down,” etc. Excuse me? It was far from it. And I’m no fan of Rove! But the guy’s no dummy. At the time he spoke up, Obama’s Ohio lead was shrinking in real time and there were many uncounted areas remaining. Rove’s was a perfectly logical point. Yes, it turned out he was wrong, as these areas were solidly Democratic, but that’s beside the point.

Melt down??? Please. That’s embarrassing. In fact, I’m now going to register Republican.

(OK, I’m lying about that last part…)


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