Monday, August 18, 2008

God, This Sucks!

Having resided on earth for lo these 49 years, I have come to believe that an absolute FORTUNE awaits the person who invents what I think should be called the “vacuum cleaner,” the name derived from the vacuum created within the device itself that creates a suction effect that would, when propelled across a flat surface, lift small foreign particles from that very surface, resulting in it being duly cleaned.

Yes, I am roundly familiar with the gratingly loud mechanical devices one pushes to and fro across a floor that do little but create a healthy layer of sweat upon the user and leave upon the carpet the faint visual trace of the wheeled device itself, said markings seen up close as one bends down repeatedly to pick up those objects easily resisting the feeble attempts of the aforementioned device. But what I am referring to is something that would actually suck up dirt and particles INTO it.

Does this device exist and, if so, where can I find one?

Thanks. BILL

PS – Guess what I did this weekend?

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