Friday, February 27, 2009

Non-Marital Bliss

If over fifty percent of marriages, after couples have vowed – I’ll say it again: VOWED - before family and friends, in a church, and with the sanction of the state, “till death do us part” – STILL FAIL, how does that bode for the grim, white-knuckle ride of the remaining fifty percent?!?

Happily single,

I am,

Yours Truly,

Cat Lover

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ledger Domain

As an Oscar devotee, I took great offense at Heath Ledger’s cavalier snub of the Academy Sunday night by not showing up to receive his Best Supporting Actor Oscar, marring an otherwise pleasant evening and rendering it, if I may be so bold, a dark night for all who bore witness to this graceless gesture.  Perhaps he thought he was above it all; I don’t know.  Either way, it was the height of crassness.  Who does this joker think he is?!?  Trust me: as Hollywood has a long memory, I can safely state that he will never work in this town again.


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Two Bills

The other day I was beside myself with anger. Sure enough, I glanced to my left and there I was.


Siskel my Ebert

Considering its cast includes Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, and Drew Barrymore, I can only conclude that “he’s just not that into you” is set in the world of fashion design.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Does anyone else find simply standing on a street corner and screaming at the top of their lungs “STOP!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE STOP!!! to be an effective means of ceasing the voices you’ve been hearing?


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Hollywood News

I’m pitching my new screenplay, Hundred Stories of Terror, as “Die Hard in a high-rise.” Wish me luck….


My Hollywood News

I’m pitching my new screenplay, Hundred Stories of Terror, as “Die Hard in a high-rise.” Wish me luck….