Monday, August 31, 2015

Could It Be Magic?

By now I’m beginning to wonder if Donald Trump might in fact be working for the Democrats. With his peerless ability to alienate Latinos, he has nonetheless managed to rise to the top among the GOP ranks of presidential candidates. How are the other candidates responding? By moving more toward his position in an attempt to lure Trump voters should the Donald not seize the nomination.

With this swerve toward more harsh immigration rhetoric, however, whichever GOP candidate remains standing come November will most assuredly lose the massive Latino vote and, once again, we’ll have a Democrat as president. To that I say “Hallelujah!”

Keep on keeping on, Donald.


Friday, August 28, 2015

Racist To The Top?

And remember, Donald Trump, you may not be comfortable with the racists showing up at your campaign events, but they sure are comfortable with you.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

From our "Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day" File

Bravo to FOX News’s “The Kelly File” program for their policy of refusing to name mass shooters, denying them their infamy (this in the wake of yesterday’s Virginia shooter news item).


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Rifling Through The Facts

NEWS ITEM: “The United States is, by a long shot, the world leader in mass shootings, claiming five percent of the global population but 31% of the world’s mass shooters since 1966, a new study found.” (Source 8/26/15 LA Times)

EDITORIAL: Welllllllllllllllll, all I’ve got to say to that is: USA!! USA!! USA!! USA!!


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Atheist/Agnostic Association of America

“We don’t do car bombs.”

(OK, this group doesn’t exist but if it did this would be a fine bumper sticker.)


Friday, August 21, 2015

Might Makes Right (Or So Say Rapists at Least....)

Donald Trump’s assertion that the U.S. could and should militarily seize oil fields in Iraq and Libya leads me to believe that he will most certainly capture the rapist contingent of voters come the primary.


Thursday, August 20, 2015

Song From My Youth

Not to say my older brother Smedley disliked me but whenever he was hanging out with his friends and I’d show up he’d start singing: “He ain’t heavy; he’s a bother.”


Twitter: @BillBekkala

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

This is Gonna Bite!

My son’s an idiot. He has to get a crown and is afraid it’ll effect his sleep. Says he once read that “Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.”

Gets it from his mother.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Damn, I Must've Just Clipped Him

I’m all for laws limiting guns to ten-round clips simply for the simple reason that if you can’t hit your target in ten shots you probably deserve to die.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Baby We Were Born To Steal Springsteen Lyrics

If I’m ever a helicopter traffic reporter on my first day of work I’m going to say: “The highway's jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive.”


Friday, August 7, 2015

Yeah, But It's a Dry Heat

As California endures more wildfires than ever, let’s not forget that this was one of the predictions made by those pesky climate change “alarmists.”


PS: I'm on vacation till 8/17. See ya!

Thursday, August 6, 2015

I Think I'm Intellectually Bipolar

Today being the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, I thought I would plug my novel “City of Seven Rivers.” And, hey, the deal still stands. If I know you and you buy this book or someone YOU know - obviously we'd have to prove this - buys it and does NOT like it, I will give you your money back!

Why bipolar? A buddy and I have just completed a comedy screenplay called “Pornchuckers,” about a mid-80s company that clients keep on retainer where, if they die, the company goes into their home and cleans out all their porn so surviving members don’t find it.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Mel Farr Died

Best known as a running back for the Detroit Lions and UCLA Bruins, Farr was also a good friend of singer Marvin Gaye. Per today’s LA Times, both Farr and Detroit Lions defensive back Lem Barney were playing golf with Gaye when he came up with his classic “What’s Going On.” Moreover, both sang backup on the Motown recording.

If the two Pro Bowl Lions should be remembered for anything, however, it should be for encouraging Gaye to pare his song’s title down from its original: “What’s Going On? I Saw You Move Your Ball!”


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"Rate My Professor" website

Few things indicate the ever-increasing stupidity of Americans like the “Hotness” factor rating for college professors. Yeah, that should be a priority.


Monday, August 3, 2015

Hang on Sloppy

My doctoral thesis, “Why Sloppy Joes Are So Sloppy” can be found online at It’s fun, enlightening reading.