Thursday, October 9, 2014

"The Day Reagan Was Shot"

Caught this 2001 film recently and, I must say, the President was portrayed as nothing short of heroic. After being shot, he nevertheless refuses a gurney, staggers upright into the hospital, acknowledging those around him, cracking self-deprecating jokes and downplaying the severity of what was, in fact, an extremely dangerously positioned bullet, so much so that the Secret Serviceman who vetoed plans to have Reagan driven to the White House, was told by the ER physician that Reagan would have been dead by then.

The bottom line, however, is this. Seeing how this film was made by Hollywood liberals, I can only assume the aforementioned were all shameless lies and that Reagan did, in fact, set a new gold standard for craven cowardice on that day back in 1981.


Twitter: @BillBekkala

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